Public Schools

Solutions for Public Colleges and Secondary Schools

As the job market changes, keeping your student offerings current can be quite a challenge. Today, there is simply no better professional training to offer your students than that of a Certified Pharmacy Technician. Changes occurring within the healthcare system has thrust pharmacy to the forefront. And with our population aging, the need for prescription medications increases exponentially. Health crisis’s such as COVID have compounded this need by creating a shortage of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians. Many employers have significantly increased technician pay, and some have even begun offering sign on bonuses in especially hard hit areas!

The curriculum is thorough and complete, meaning the instructors spend more time focusing on the students and no time trying to come up with lesson plans.

-Junior college licensee

Pharmacy Curriculum Consultants is the exclusive provider of the nationally famous PharmacyTrainerTM 12 Week Certified Pharmacy Technician Curriculum. We provide you with all of the necessary materials to begin class in a fraction of the time it takes to institute other programs.

You will have a PTCB recognized curriculum that fits your needs!

Even if you have an existing program and you think it’s working, we can show you how our materials will bring your program to a whole new level. The most complete and up-to-date information is guaranteed due to our in-house authoring and publication of our materials. Customer service that is second-to-none will keep everyone happy and on schedule. And you will always have access directly to the president of our company. (Try that with other programs) But if you want to keep your curriculum backbone, we make our course textbook, Top 200 Drug Flashcards, and online practice problems available separately.

Either way, our cost-effective student materials and textbooks assure that your program costs are kept to a minimum. Competitive pricing and volume discounts make even the most tight fisted CFOs smile. And, since we know the kind of budgetary constraints our schools are under today, we offer discounts on our license fee to public schools!

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Our Curriculum
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Student Materials
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License Fee & Costs
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